Monday, February 1, 2016

Tim's 22nd Birthday

Last year, during Tim's 21st birthday, I did not managed to make it as grand as how a 21st birthday celebration should be. Probably because we only just started dating then and I was not so close to his friends.

This year, I decided to make up to it. The plan was devised more than a month in advance. It was pretty simple - gather his close ones for some karaoke session.

Knowing my man pretty well, I was confident that he will not suspect a single shit until the mission was executed. AND BOY WAS I RIGHT.

I created a whatsapp chat called "MATH PROJECT *insert some math related emojis*" and added everyone inside. I decided to get one of Tim's best friend, Liu Tun, to be the chosen one. He had quite a big responsibility - to lie to Tim about treating him to some high tea buffet at Rendezvous Hotel, and then bring him to the karaoke room (he had to do some serious improvisation).

Some photos before the birthday boy arrive~

After what seems like forever, Tim finally arrived! I did not manage to get any pictures of him coming in, but Dexter go a video which I will share soon!

Supeeeeeer awkward angle, but here's a picture of me and my man!

Really very thankful for everyone's cooperation. Thank you all for being so accommodating and so thoughtful. This definitely wouldn't have been possible without all of you! To all those people I missed out, I'm so sorry!! Since the room is also pretty small, I only called those that I see very often + those that I managed to get their contact numbers. I'm pretty sure we will be able to organise something like this in the near future ;)

More group photos outside the hotel! 
(Pardon the quality of the pictures. These are taken from whatsapp. I will try to replace them with the original ones if possible!)

After all the photo taking and catching up, I kidnapped Mr Tim for a date at Marina Bay Sands. He was initially very confident that I will bring him to the restaurant at Ion Sky. I knew he wanted to try that place, but I still believe that the steak at Bread Street Kitchen was a better option. *COUGH* LIKE MAYBE WE CAN TRY THE SALT GRILL AND SKY BAR ON OUR ANNIVERSARY *COUGH*

Trying out a second-hand camera which I got for S$250 from Carousell. It's a Panasonic Lumix LX7. To be honest, it does a great job despite its age. I suppose it is due to its Leica lens *spazz*

I don't know why the candle in focus rather than the bread. Anyway, the complimentary bread that they serve were not too bad. What we love was their salted butter which was creamy and surprising tasty. 

Tamarind Spiced Chicken Wings, S$18

The service at BSK was better than expected. They literally wait for you to be done with your starters and then serve you your mains hot (I'm sorry if all atas restaurant does this, I don't go to them often enough).

For mains, Tim ordered the Beef Wellington (S$80), and I had the Shepherd's Pie with Braised Lamb (S$38). Tim said that he still prefers the black angus sirloin steak because it is more flavourful. I personally think that my shepherd's pie was delicious! The lamb was braised perfectly and the sauce was damn shiok!

Well, I really hope that Mr Tim had a great day then. It was not an elaborate celebration, but seeing you smile makes everything so much better :)

I'm not perfect, but I will keep trying, because you deserve nothing but the best.