Thursday, June 4, 2015

Summing Up 2014

Figured that it is finally time to blog about the missing bits of my life at the end of 2014. I know that it is pass the mid of 2015 where I have already traveled to 3 different places, had my graduation, and been accepted to an university. I can't believe how time flies?! To be honest, I really miss this space so much. Needless to say, I am disappointed with my negligence of this space that I used to be so proud of.

The longer I procrastinated, the more I had to cover, and finally, I stopped blogging all together. I have decided to sit down, ignore my boyfriend a bit (oh yes, I got myself a boyfriend too LOL), and blog about all those incidents which I have missed. This will obviously be a long post. Read at your own risk!

I'm gonna blog them part by part, so you can read the part that interests you :)

My 19th Birthday

(missing a few of the girls here)

As usual, the lovely girls of 02 organised a gathering cum celebration for us November babies. This year, we had our gathering at Fish 'n' Co. Paragon. After a seemingly normal dinner, the staff asked Mei Jiuen (the other birthday girl), to get up on the chairs.


By then time we managed to get up the chairs, 90% of the people in the restaurant were already looking. So the staff started to do some cheer and finally, sing us a birthday song. It was really fun though!! I didn't know Fish 'n' Co. had such services LOL. Thank you so much for your time, girls. You all never fail to amaze me!

After dinner, I went to Zouk (duh)


Anyway, I think I KO-ed outside Zouk for like 3 seconds. But hey, it was a great night with them crazy girls!! I certainly do miss nights like this, where we partied without any worry, drank till we rolled down stairs, etc. Ah... Memories.

So a couple of days before my actual birthday, a dinner date turned out to be an advance celebration for my birthday. I really had no clue that this was going to happen. The extremely shocked and touched me almost teared. The amount of effort my friends put in for me is always so great.

Beautiful cake done by my talented #Qiannybakes

Coincidentally wore white with the rest. I think they planned to wear white because they thought I was going to wear something floral. SORRY GUYS LOL.

I remember that being one of my happiest days of 2014 - having all my loved ones gathered together over a delicious meal. I always wanted to plan a party for my birthdays, but since I am such a lazy bum, such plans don't usually happen. I'm thankful for the effort every single one of you put in on this day. I know I am not the perfect friend, but I genuinely appreciate and love all of you :)

On the actual day of my birthday, I was forced to work because of Kevin (my manager). He insisted that I should come to work because it will be fun. And I did.

I guess I never will regret that decision.

I had a dozen of macarons in the flavour I absolutely love, muffins, ang baos, ceremic MBS tumbler, hand-written card from the uncles, and a celebration with the boss in the workshop. I am so so blessed! Despite only spending a few months in MBS, everyone has been so kind to me, dote on me, and most importantly, feed me HAHAHA.

ZoukOut 2015 ft. Djs Meet And Greet

So I went for my first ever ZoukOut last year, and crazy me decided to go for both days. The girls and I booked a room at Hard Rock Hotel to save the trouble of traveling back home. This time, I am extremely lucky to have my mum pay for my ticket and accommodation as a birthday gift *twirls around in delight*

Taken at Hard Rock's beautiful pool

(omg I was so slim then wtf happened)

A couple of weeks before the event, Qianny asked me to join Zouk's online contest to win a pair of win and greet passes. I just wanted to try my luck, so I shared a couple of the posts. And guess what?





It was a miracle that both of us were able to meet them all!! We just missed Steve Aoki and Martin Garrix I guess. But Can't believe my luck! And Nicky was being so sweet, hugging me, and asking me to breathe, and signing on the countless of items I brought to him *shameless*

Well, Zouk Out 2014 was a blast! I met so many familiar faces, had so much fun, and partied so hard. One of the craziest nights ever! The music simply owned the shit out of local DJs. Frankly speaking, from then on, music at Zouk seemed boring. Can't wait for ZoukOut this year!

Christmas Parties

2014 was probably the year which I had the most Christmas parties? Since my family does not really practise the culture of celebrating Christmas, I usually only did simple gift exchange with my friends. This year, it was surprisingly happening! 

A week or 2 before Christmas, Shayna and her family generously invited me over to their lovely house a celebration.

What greeted us when we entered the house *smirks*

 Auntie Su's damn zai cooking, and display.

After dinner, we played beer pong at the balcony. To be honest, that was my first time playing beer pong. Don't judge okay!

I guess the one thing that bothered we was how we had to drink the cup of beer when a dirty ping pong ball drops into it hahahaha. Other than that, it was so much fun!! 

Apart from Shayna's house, the Teo family also invited me to their house for Christmas!

Cutesy baby girl

After dinner, we (obviously) went to Zouk to celebrate more. Met up with the rest there. It was really crowded that day, and friends every where, drinks every where, etc. It was also the night I got really, really, very drunk, screwed many things up, but I guess, I don't really regret it.. :) 

The evil man that always comes up with ridiculous drinks to kill us all.

My classmates came over. It was my fault la... I knew they were coming, but I still got so fucked up the night before. I woke up to 948656412 missed calls, and the poor girls were stuck at AMK Hub. not knowing where to go. (am I bad for smiling when I think about this? LOL)

 Getting cosy in my ridiculously tiny home.

As usual, we had pizza, played some games, had great chats, and spammed tons of photos. I really hope that we will get to celebrate more Christmas parties together even though we have already graduated. Missing you girls quite a bit now :') 


Okay, I guess I pretty much summed up everything which happened at the end of year 2014. Like all years, it was a fruitful and exciting year for me! I have forged new bonds, lost some friends, got hurt a little, but I guess that's how life is.

Now that it is already passed the halfway mark of 2015, I genuinely hope that things will go smoothly for me, my family, and my friends! X

(more outdated posts coming your way!)