Saturday, September 28, 2013

Seoul Day 3 & 4

(continued from here)

Woke up the next day and had our breakfast at Yong Pyong Ski Resort. Fyi, Winter Sonata was filmed here in this resort!

Hearty American breakfast to start the day!

We took the coach to a little shop where we got to know more about the making of kimchi and it's nutritional values. Apparently kimchi is really good for our bodies!

We were then taught how to correctly spread the 'chili paste' onto the fermented cabbage. All the kimchi that we had prepared that day will be donated to a local charity organisation! 

Preparing kimchi with love! :)

We then proceeded next door to wear the traditional hanbok and take pictures. I swear, I was super reluctant to wear it because I know I will look super ridiculous omg.

Well, I guess it is a must-do thing in Korea so..


I looked so funny homaigawd.

After like an hour of laughter and photo-taking, we hopped on the coach and went to the next venue to have our lunch!



After eating, we went for some souvenir shopping where I bought like 40 super cute nail clippers and my mum stole 20 away from me wtf.

I look weird here but heyyyyyy Andy and Seven are looking gooood!!

Went to Gimpo International Airport after lunch for our flight to Jeju Island! I was so excited because we will get to ride horses there! Weeeeee~~

Unfortunately, Seven was unable to follow us to Jeju Island, so he wouldn't be there to take some beautiful photographs :(

While waiting for our flight with my 2 mums :)

We took Jinair which was similar to Jetstar back in Singapore. We had to take a bus to our plane LOL. Not forgetting the super uncomfortable seats too pfft.

Annyeong Haseyo Jeju Island~~!

We were greeted by really strong winds right after we stepped out of the Airport LOL. After loading all our luggage onto the coach, we went to see the famous dragon head rock.

Finally! First dog I met in Korea LOL.

The dragon head.... ._.

Since it was so hot outside, my mum and I decided to hide in Dunkin' Donuts while the rest explored the place. There wasn't much anyway..

We went to the Mysterious Road after that. I was really looking forward to that too!!

Apparently, any vehicle on neutral can move up the slope at Mysterious Road, even a bus filled with over 30 people! WHICH IS DAMN COOL?!?!?!?!?!

Our bus actually managed to move up the the slope on the Mysterious Road!! I was super duper amazed la wtf LOL. 

And then we got off the bus for some snacks by Mysterious Road and I met this friendly Korean uncle who was so impressed with my broken Korean!! 

The bbq chicken sticks at his stall was sooooo goooood!! 

After we got on the bus to get to the next venue, Andy told us the reason behind the Mysterious Road and I was so unimpressed la pfft. Just go search online if you guys are interested in the mystery of vehicles going up slope on Mysterious Road.

We reached a building which holds 3 attractions inside; 5D show, ice sculpture museum and 3D illusion exhibition!

The supposedly 5D is just a 3D show that is shown 360 around us. Meh.

We then proceeded to the ice sculpture museum. My mum went hysterical when so found out we were only given a wool blanket in this -5C museum LOL.

We still went in nonetheless! AND IT WAS FREEZINGGGGG BRR.


It was so so so cold! I left after I tried the slide because I really couldn't take it anymore! It was kinda wasted because we didn't really get to admire the interesting and beautiful ice sculptures :(

Next was the 3D illusion exhibition! Everything was wayyyyy better than I expected! All the 3D paintings looked so realistic!

I took a lot of photos but they were mostly in my uncle's camera! I will post them up as soon as I get them from him :)

We finally checked in to our hotel in Jeju Island; Ocean Palace Hotel.

It looked like any other hotels in town but Andy told raved about how aesthetically beautiful this hotel is. Our rooms were given by random so each family will either get a Japanese style room or an European Style room.

I was honestly hoping to get the European Style room just because it sounded nicer LOL. However, when I opened the door of our room, I just went "WAHHHHHHH"

It probably looks very meh in the photos, but trust me! IT WAS SO COSY AND COMFORTABLE AND SOIFBHSAKHUI.

"We should've done Japanese style for our house lor."

Well, I wasn't the only one wah-ing. The entire corridor was basically filled with "wahhhhhhh" from the other tour members too hahaha! I then went over to another family's room to check out the European Style room!

I personally prefer the Japanese Style room more as the European Style room was too bright for my comfort! Mad love the tatami mats provided in my room! So cosy :)

As usual, we went to explore the neighbourhood and I found this!

That's right! Lamborghini cigarettes! 

I bought them without much thought and then I realised that I bought a pack of fucking cigarettes in front of my parents. LOL. Thank god my parents were very understanding. They knew that I bought it just for the packaging! So I kinda forced my dad to finish the entire pack asap *evil grin*

My mum's screams woke me up the next morning because, well, the room is seriously too good to be true.

Amazing view of the sunrise, the sea and beautiful Jeju ^^

Washed up, got ready and went down for the usual breakfast buffet in the hotel's restaurant. Took the bus and we headed to the Teddy Bear Museum! It's basically a placed filled with stuffed animals, nothing much!

Our really sweet tour guides got us a teddy bear keychain each!

After that, we went to the Glass Castle, where everything is made of.. well.. glass :/ It was a pretty place with many interesting glass displays scattered everywhere! There was also a glass maze where I almost knock into the glass a couple of times LOL.

Finally it was time to have lunch! 

We had the legendary black pork. WHICH WAS DAMN GOOD WTF.

I was lucky that I remembered to take a picture because I was famished by then. Omg, we loved it so so much that we took like 4 rounds of pork hahahhaha.

After lunch, we went to a village where a villager would tell us stories from the past and how villagers used to live. Apparently, the village that we were at was the village used in a popular Korea drama series, Da Chang Qin. 

Yes. That 'ooo da lung ooo da lung' show.

THENNNNNNN. We went horse riding!!!

Because the people there were kinda strict, I only managed to take a few video clips! The full video is attached below ;)

The horses were so tame and well-trained!! Mine looked kinda sad though :(

After our horse riding session, we took the coach to some famous crater on Jeju Island! Andy told us that it will take us 20mins to reach the top of the crater, so my uncle and I went ahead.


Just at the foot of the crater, I was already half dead. After 25-30mins of torture, we finally reached the top. I was so proud of myself, and of course, my uncle.


Proof that I reached the top of the crater!

Very happy me with beautiful Jeju view!

Bought this S$3 isotonic drink on my way down :(

After that, we had dinner in a seafood restaurant where I basically miss out all the good food and had to chew on bread while everyone was eating Abalone seafood rice wtf. #beingallergicsucks

Korean ice cream for sadgirl95

This marks the end of day 4!!! So so many activities lined up for us everyday! Sorry for the late update of this post. More coming up!!! Stay tuned x