Sunday, September 22, 2013

Seoul: Day 1 & 2

Finally doing a proper blog post on my Seoul trip! I've been looking forward to this since the day I landed! LOL. So before I start, I will give some basic information.

So my parents and I, together with my aunt and uncle (godma and godpa) decided to book a tour to Korea through SA Tours. It's an 8-day tour in South Korea and Jeju Island and we took Asiana and Jinair.

And my 2 Korean boyfriends!
LOL. Just kidding guys! They played really important roles during the trip and will appear in the photos quite frequently! So I thought it will be helpful for you guys to know who they are :)

We gathered at Changi International Airport T2 and took a 10:40PM flight to Seoul!

Totally loving my H&M satchel bag which I bought a couple of days before flying off!

Meh airplane food.

We landed @ Incheon International Airport at 7AM Korean time (1 hour faster than here).

I started spamming photos at the airport and bothering all the girls LOL. We had to settle our own breakfast and we had KFC. Freaking sinful I swear but bobian cause I needed to charge my phone.

So with hardly any sleep, we took the coach and proceeded to Everland!

Despite the torturous 6-hour flight, I was still excited because IT WAS A THEME PARK. I love love love love theme parks! Unfortunately, we were given very little time to explore.

And so, I told myself to take the most exciting ride in this entire theme park

While descending from the sky ride. I FOUND THE ANSWER.

(the ride is HUGE)

- World's 2nd steepest wooden roller coaster.
- World's 9th fastest wooden roller coaster.
- World's 6th longest wooden roller coaster.

WELL, you get the idea..

The drop is 46m tall. If each level is 3m tall, this monster gives a 15-storey high drop.

The 40-min wait was totally worth it! And I really admire my 50+ year-old uncle who accompanied me for the ride. I believe he was the oldest in the queue! I was basically screaming and heads off while he was just there, laughing. I'm not going to lie, I teared a little because of the adrenaline rush through my body. IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME.

Taking a ice-blended drink to cool myself down after the T Express.

Here in Everland, they also have a little zoo which provides a bus ride to see the animals upclose!

The lions you see below are the ones Kim Jong Kook had to get them onto a huge rock during their mission here! 

His dad is lion and his mum is a tiger (either way, I forgot)

Adorable bear that did tricks for us! FINALLY. Something that moves.

After Everland, we left for lunch!

It is thick, succulent, seasoned perfectly and gives that oomph.

Please, guys. 
Do yourselves a favour and fly to Korea now and eat their pork. After that, the char siew or what not here are nothing, NOTHING, compared to the pork in Korea.

Here's shy Seven, helping us cut our meat!

After lunch, we checked in our first resort of the trip; Resom Spa Castle.

As the name of the resort states, we went for a water spa treatment. The place was huge and it even had a water theme park for us! I took a slide similar to Tidal Twister at Adventure Cove.

We avoided the indoor area because everyone was NAKED. Like nude. Obviously we were in an area of the same sex BUT STILL. It was painful to even open my eyes. We left immediately after we changed into our swimsuits. LOL.

Retreated to our rooms where we took a shower and rested for awhile before we went down for our dinner.

Caught a little of Running Man Ep 162 in the actual SBS channel!

Dinner was steamboat. Seem like the Koreans especially like this! This one was alright, but the soup was good!

Woke up pretty early the next day.

After having breakfast, we immediately left for the farm!

Photo with my Korean bf in the resort before leaving ;)

So we were greeted by the stench of cow dung the moment we alighted from the coach. LOL. Mum's medicated oil was on high demand at that point of time.

Nonetheless, we still had fun feeding the ridiculously adorable cows and calves.

A cow that is taller than me wtf.

Fell in love with this calf because it was just standing there, staring at me, even though my bottle was already empty. After I took a picture, my mum attempted to take a picture with it and it walked away HAHAHA.

Here's my mum seriously trying to get it to look at my phone LOLOLOL.

We proceeded to this little hut where we were taught how to milk a cow. I felt a little sad for the poor cow in the metal cage :(

I couldn't bring myself to milk the cow so I just posed for this shot and quickly jumped away LOL. I was relieved when I saw the farmer let the cow out to have it's food after we left!

Mum bravely standing beside the huge cow.

After washing our hands, we were brought up a bandwagon for a ride. For those who don't know, bandwagon is something like this:

Instead of horses leading the bandwagon, we had a tractor to bring us around.

Omg, I should've totally jumped onto it lor! 

The ride brought us around the beautiful farm which was surprisingly quite big! It had a couple of farm animals such as ducks, chickens, sheep, goats and the super cute and active lama above! The ride was so relaxing! 

Seriously, how often do you get to ride on a legit bandwagon now? 

After the bandwagon ride, we went to a room to make some ice cream using the milk from the cows we saw earlier!

It was very fun! We basically used milk, flavouring and dry ice to make the soft ice cream! After 15mins of non-stop shaking of the mixing bowls, we start to see mixture solidify. Pretty cool!

After getting on the bus, we were told that we will be going on a 3-hour coach ride. I immediately took out my earpiece after hearing that lol.

To save us from our misery, we stopped at a restaurant for lunch and toilet break halfway through the ride. 

Me on a wooden swing chair outside the restaurant :)

After another painful hour of bus ride, we reached

I got excited when I saw the sun bear statue because I told we were going to see some wild sun bears!! Andy told me I could and then I realised that I got cheated by him ._.

We took a cable car high up the Seorak mountain. On our way up, we were greeted by the astonishing views of mother nature. The cliffs and river and forests and mountains. DAEBAK!

We then had to go on a 15min hike up to the peak of the mountain!

On our way up, we saw little rocks being stacked up everywhere!

Upon reaching the peak, I was really amazed by the view that was present there. I wanted to just run to the edge!!! That was before when my dad told me that the edges were unguarded. Which means anyone could just slip and fall over the edge of this god-knows-how-tall mountain.

So yep, what's behind that rock is nothingness.

Ignore my mouth! I guess I was trying to say something.. LOL

The furthest I could go. Any further and I think I might faint.

I then rush up to the higher part of the mountain with my fearless uncle!

View from above! You can see cute Korean families/couples everywhere!

While walking down, we heard a guy shouting wildly in Korean, I turned and I saw this..

That speck you see on the top of the mountain is a guy!

He saw me raising my phone up to take a picture and spontaneously waved! Haha! Apparently, if you managed to climb to the peak of the mountain, you will get a medal to acknowledge your bravery. 

Ya, bet y'all are like, "CLIMB LA. JUST CLIMB ONLY"

WAIT TILL YOU SEE THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN. I swear your balls will shrink.  

Ice cream to celebrate standing (almost) at the edge of the mountain!

Visited the Buddha. Sent our prayers and gave our offerings. Told my mum that I wanna take selfies will all the giant Buddhas around the world!
 Hong Kong

Yet another long coach ride to a coffee house! This time, we get to roast and grind our coffee beans!

Original coffee beans before they are roasted!

Our instructor who was born in Hong Kong and had that super super cute Hong Kong accent *melts*

My dad's coffee beans actually caught fire HAHAHA. Highlight of the day! It was so hilarious and everyone was laughing so hard as my dad helplessly waved this 'pan' around omg LOL.

Here's Andy helping my dad roast a new cup of coffee beans!

Cooling my coffee beans!

We then went for dinner which was steamboat againnnnn.

I told my mum that I wanted to try Soju because ALL Koreans drink Soju! She was totally against it until my dad and uncle supported my idea and went ahead and bought a few bottles HAHAHA. My mum tried it in the end too!!!! And they were really cheap! Like around S$2 per bottle? Even cheaper than Evian!

After dinner, we finally checked in to a new resort; Yong Pyong Ski Resort.

I personally really disliked that resort (thus no photos of it) because it was old and kinda creepy. Apart from the supermarkets at the lobby and a few horses munching the grass patch outside, it is more or less a ghost town :/

Alright, I shall stop here for now!
More updates soon, stay tuned!!! x