Wednesday, May 1, 2013


So it was Ngee An Polytechnic's 50th Aniversary (aka NP50) on Tuesday and we were encouraged to dress retro on that day! It was really fun and exciting to see all sorts of styles being unleashed!

My BSE lecturer in Taiji Master style!

Oh yes, and the day before, my group and I decided to play almost all the games and got tons of gifts! Simple joy ^^ They also gave out free cotton candy, popcorn and also had a photobooth! Too bad the queue was wayyyyy too long, if not I would've taken some :(

Then there was this cupcake decorating event where you donate any amount of money and get to decorate a cupcake!

This is how I look when I'm focused...
No wonder no guys are attracted to me LOLOLOL

Since decorating the cupcake was so enjoyable, I decided to decorate another! I then gave it to Billy cause I couldn't eat anymore..

Kampong boy on the loose.


I can't believe he actually wore it -__-

After fooling around in school, we got ready for the NP50 concert which was held in the Convention Center.

Shayna and I had no idea what this concert was about and we expected it to be purely a musical concert filled with performances from the orchestra or strings or whatnot (which we are honestly not very interested in..) 


It was totally the opposite of what we thought it was!

It has a combination of instrumental clubs and dance clubs and it was so hyped up! Ah, never regretted getting the tickets from the DE people ^^ Thanks for ending my day on a high note!

Happy 50th Anniversary NP!!!