Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Thumb & Tree

scarf print top Topshop
red skater skirt AMK Hub

Met Joey, my favourite secondary table partner. I was so glad that we finally met up after a year! How time flies. We had lunch at Pasta Mania and talked so much. We walked all the way to Ion to have some ice cream and ended our day there. It's always great to reminisce the good old times in school. Can't wait to see her again ^^


Haven't been bringing out my DSLR as I realised that the colours of the pictures are not turning out the way I want it to be.. Sigh. I think it's time to change it already. It has indeed served me well for the past 2 years. But damn, I really can't fork out money for a new DSLR (especially Nikon) :(

Oh well, shall fret over that tmr. Goodnight everyone!