Friday, June 8, 2012

Shine A Light

So sorry for leaving my blog so dead once again. I'm trying my best!!! I wonder if you guys actually get excited when you see a new blog post on my blog. I always do when I visit other blogs. LOL.

So anyway, I met up with the girls last Saturday to make Mo's present. 


It was like a mini-party too. We bought tons of junk food and canned fruits. Ah, it's a waste that my dad threw away our mahjong set, if not they will surely stay longer. LOL.

The process was tedious, but we were all very proud of our hard work at the end of the day! Each and every cap is painstakingly painted and decorated by us. The border also took Valerie and Celine a long time.


Today marks the end of my first mid-sem common test! Feeling so much better already :) Well, I can't say that I will do very well for the papers because there are some tricky ones. I just hope that the results will not be disappointing. Anway, the end of test = means more time for playing and blogging!! *throws confetti*

Bought my lunch and headed to Wendy's house. Watched an episode of Running Man with her and Eileen and after which we had our regular chit chat. While Eileen went out for her date with Yiming, Wendy and I decided to bring baby Bearie out for a walk!

Remember this tiny little puppy?

It's now

HAHAHAHAHA. Got a shock? Bearie is only around 2 months old and is already the size of an adult dog. He is a mongrel and will become very big, that's why :) 

Stepping on my feet like a boss.
Dad got a shock too! LOL.


I will seriously get a dog when I'm ready to. Such loyal and adorable creatures :')

Went home after the walk and prepared to meet Meixiang. It's been soooooo long since I last met her! We didn't have enough time to talk today :( It still feels good to meet an old friend again!

leopard pleated top Taiwan | black pants Chinatown | studded bag Taiwan | shoes GeraldineT

Had my first Carl's Jr. meal and it is sooooo good! Not only are the portions big, there are free flow of drinks too! And they use wholemeal buns for my burger. SO, SO GOOD #MountainTortoiseRuiStrikesAgain

We caught Snow White & the Huntsman. Didn't really like the story line, but the effects were very well done! And I simply cannot miss another movie with Chris Hemsworth (Thor) inside. He is so hot *le faints*

Heehee, alright, enough of hot guys before Guowen kills me. Can't wait to that boy for dinner tomorrow. Goodnight everyone!