Sunday, June 10, 2012

New Skill

Woke up early and went over to Oakhammarket yesterday in hopes to get my Hufflepuff dress. As expected, there was a queue. To cut the story short, after 20mins, the queue didn't move even a single cm and I personally think that their crowd control is not very effective. As I was running late for my on job training and I haven had my lunch, I left (2 girls left before me too). Doubt I will go there again..

Met up with my classmates @ Marina Square and we walked a huge round around it before finding Marina Mandarin. Haha! Sua ku us.

Billy: Wah, the flash!

The training was enriching. I learnt quite a few new tricks! And on top of that, we got to try their 8 course Chinese cuisine worth $1000. Lucky lucky us!!! :)

However, I have mixed feelings about working there as a banquet staff. It seems stressful to me.. Remembering drinks orders, portioning food etc. What I fear most is spilling drinks on the guests *gasp* Really hope I don't mess up! And, I wanna work during F1 period too! Ah, can't wait somehow.

Guowen came over to fetch me (he had trouble finding the hotel too!!!!) and we had dinner @ Pizza Hut. There was some 1-for-1 deal #AuntyModeOn. LOL. The staff there were very friendly. Maybe a bit too friendly, but nah, it's better this way. Can't wait to see him tmr! :)

This is totally irrelevant, but I wanna try this!