Monday, March 19, 2012

Taiwan: Goodbye

(don't worry if you see this first, I posting bit by bit from the back. Please stay tuned!)

We headed to Dan Sui during one of the nights to shop for more food. At this point of time, Derek was pleading my mum to stop buying because our luggage is almost overweight. HAHAHA.

The original Koi.

A full-grown Husky. SO CUTE RIGHT?

While the older people carry on with their shopping. Derek and I went to a shop which resembles the Ripley's: Believe It or Not! The entrance fee was around S$2.60.

It was a small exhibition, but enough to amaze me.

Duo headed fish. Yuck!

Baby porcupines!

I was so so so fucking tired at the end of the day. It was already 10PM when we reached Xi Men Ding, but the crowd was worse and it felt like Bugis street, probably worse. Taiwanese are truly owls. LOL.

Some REALLY HUGE dog at Xi Men Ding.

1 thing I absolutely love about Taiwan is that you can see dogs everywhere. They have this dog craze, and they especially love Poodles and Dachshunds. The dogs in Taiwan are also very well-trained. You hardly hear them bark and 90% of them don't need leashes.


I finally bought these cute naval barbells at the end of the day. It wasn't cheap. 950 yuan for 2, so it's around S$20 each. I'm wearing the Eiffel tower one now ^^

You can find frayed shorts all around Xi Men Ding. I didn't buy any because my Topshop shorts were good enough. I kinda regret now :/

A super cute Retriever outside a restaurant. See. Told ya about the number of dogs in Taiwan.

Saying goodbye to Gosleep Hotel!

Leaving Taipei~~~~~

The departure hall in Taoyuan International Airport is so much nicer than their Arrival hall. I was just thinking, Taiwan is so damn big, but why is their Airport so damn small compared to tiny Singapore? o:

An escalator in Taoyuan airport. And I thought the 1 in AMK hub was short enough. HAHAHA.

So that's the end of my Taiwan trip. I think Taiwan is a place worth visiting. They generally speak Hokkien and Chinese, and are extremely friendly and helpful. Oh, if you are Malay, you might not want to go Taiwan because they love pork. It's almost impossible to find Halal food :(

I will want to go back Taiwan some day. I really love it there!!

Here's a picture of the food we bought.

AHHHHH, I missed you so much, Singapore. HOME SWEET HOME~~~