Saturday, October 2, 2021

I am Alive!

 To anyone who actually manages to see this post - congratulations? Haha. Thank you for being curious about my life and actually clicking (or tapping) onto the link to my blog. 

I was just reading through my last few posts and it brought back so many memories that I actually teared. I am really grateful to my old self for making the effort to create all these posts so that I can look back and kind of relive those moments. 

It has been slightly over 3 years since I last posted, a lot has happened ever since (like COVID-19). 

I actually talked about me being in my final year in university and guess what?

(well, 3 years ago... And I even completed my first year in my master's programme already...)

And we even arranged for a photoshoot at Changi Jewel. Many thanks to our friend, Zack for being so spontaneous and for making us feel so comfortable throughout the session! 

(on a good note, of course!)

After spending a year as an intern and more than 2.5 years as a full-time employee, I finally decided to part ways with my very first company. I have gained so, so much through my years in Aurecon and I will forever be grateful to my friends, colleagues and bosses whom I have met in this amazing company. 

(there is really something between me and all my previous intern companies haha!)

It has been just slightly over 2 months since I joined my new company as a full-time employee. To be honest, it was really an honour to be asked to join the company again - with a role I initially felt I was underqualified for. I will definitely work harder to prove my worth and learn as much as I can!


In my last post, I actually said "As much as I want to go to their concert and meet them in real life, I kinda lost all hope as they are so fricking popular now". Well, BTS is still really popular and relevant right now - they even released a new song with the legends, Coldplay! 

Eileen and I were extremely lucky to get one of the best tickets in the house. Even though we did not get to be at the railing(?), we still managed to see most members pretty close without having to squeeze with the sweaty crowd or risk fainting haha. Here is a video I took showing how close we were!

And just to add to this K-pop craze that is going on with me over the last 2 years, I actually fell pretty deep into this younger group - ATEEZ. Trust me, they will become big one day!

Well, I guess that is all I will share for now. I really have no idea when I will update this space again. Next week? Next month? Next year? Anyway, all I know is that I will keep this precious space forever. I hope that one day my loved ones will rediscover this space and learn a little more about me. 

Stay safe, happy and healthy always! We will overcome this pandemic soon. Goodbye world! 

Friday, September 28, 2018

Entering the Next Phase

Hi everybody (or nobody?), I am Zi Rui. It has been over 2 years since I last logged into my Blogger account. This blog used to be my life - a site that I visited almost everyday just talk about my daily life. It holds so much precious memories and I guess it is about time to update about my life here. 

First of all, I am currently in my 4th year in SIT (YES FOURTH YEAR!!!!). I can't believe it either. They weren't kidding when they say your time in the university flies. My entire 3rd year was spent in an Australian-based building consultancy firm. I will update more about the company in the later portion of this blog post hehe. 

Just some pictures with my favourite people on our first day of our last trimester. To be honest, after working for a year, lectures seem to go really fast and it's seriously a lot harder to keep up as compared to Year 2. Although we have fewer lessons, the amount of reports, quizzes and projects to be done is overwhelming. Sometimes, I really do not know where to start.... I usually just create to-do lists to make myself feel better haha. 

Anyway, the fourth week is officially over and I am still kinda pleased with my progress. Juggling school work with a part-time job and also helping my previous company out can be a lot sometimes. But at the end of the day, when I complete all my tasks, the sense of achievement erases my initial regret. I guess I should really do more at this age where I have the time, knowledge and energy. 


Oh yes, my dear friend Eileen actually introduced BTS, a K-pop group, to me a few months ago. I have officially fallen deep into the ARMY (the name of their fandom) hole. Within a span of 6 months, I have purchased 2 of their latest albums and is obsessed with watching their videos (I try to do it moderately now. Their video is my reward after I strike something off my to-do list lol).

Me a year ago would have been so so SO embarrassed of myself haha! But the joy these boys give to me is indescribable. As much as I want to go to their concert and meet them in real life, I kinda lost all hope as they are so fricking popular now. I am still incredibly proud of them and I will just stay as a low-key fan. Shout-out to Eileen for bringing me into the Magic Shop 💖 


I have always told my friends and loved ones that our lives in the twenties will zoom by in a blink of an eye. We graduate, find a job, get married, and have kids (ideally) all within a span of 10 years. To be honest, I am terrified of what that is about to come. I am turning 23 this year and I am approaching my mid-twenties. 

Every night, I think about my life in the next 5 years (probably the cause of my insomnia?). I am doing what the society and my parents expect me to do. But there is just so much more I want to experience in my life. Maybe this is the reason why I haven't really been feeling so good about myself despite the series of great news I have been receiving. I guess I just have to go through the motion and live the moment. 

Speaking of great news, I have been officially offered a job in my previous internship company 🙌 I think I met my benefactors during my last few months of my internship. They fought so hard for my scholarship and job offer. I am so grateful for all that they have done for me and I promised myself to pay back with hard work and dedication.

I guess I can finally say that I will be graduating debt-free!! *pats on my back*

Thursday, February 4, 2016

CNY Celebration in School

Today, our school organised a mini Chinese New Year celebration for our course.  To be honest, I was not expecting much. I was still picturing 100 of us standing around a big table with just 1 louhei in the middle, and us "air louhei-ing" because we cannot reach anything. 

There were several tables set up at the atrium and each table were filled with drinks, snacks and a box of louhei! I was so impressed! Despite the ample amount of food on our tables, greedy us still went away and steal some snacks from other unoccupied tables LOL.

Some pictures with the girls I spend the most time with in school!
Oh yes! We coordinated our outfits but Michelle insisted that her orangey-red shorts matched the theme. 勉强是没有幸福的PLEASE.

Michelle getting impatient because Ya Hui fumbled with the tape for 5 seconds.


Just 3 seconds after the shot


Please kindly bring your attention to Mr Lee Zi Yu (guy with cap). The snack on the right hand hasn't even reach his mouth and LOOK AT WHAT HE LEFT HAND IS DOING HAHAHA BTH.


2/3 of the Hatha Yoga Clan ;)

So after the celebration, we took a group photo which I'm pretty sure we will never get. It is actually quite heart warming to know that the school is setting aside funds for events like this! A good way to spend more quality time with my university mates.



I also like to take this opportunity to highlight the fact that Michelle is always camera ready?!?!?! #priorities

Forgot to mention that we took almost 2 hours to complete an assignment which only has 2 questions. Life of a university student...

Nevertheless, I truly enjoyed myself today! I hope we all get chocolates on Valentines Day from the school too. huehuehuehuehue

To all my course mates; study hard for the quiz this Friday! GAMBATTE!