Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Happy Drunk 18th

I know, this post probably came in A BIT too late. But as usual, I am really caught up with school work and other commitments. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER!!!!

So anyway, my birthday this year was the most elaborately planned birthday I ever had (even though I didn't plan much.. :/). It started wayyyyyy before the actual day itself where I was still debating whether to have a zombie or Harry Potter themed party. All the enthusiasm died off when my birthday was coming because I was literally working my ass off during the holidays.

And so, I decided to make it simple and go to Zouk on my birthday itself! I was a lucky girl because my 18th birthday falls on a Wednesday (woohoo! Ladies' Night!). I invited my schoolmates and girlfriends along. The night start at Dream where I drank too much at the start thanks to Yanyan the cbk.

I gotta thank Wallen for giving everyone guest lists that night and the unlimited drinks and amazing sofa seats and table. It was like our own private podium haha!

My darlings that waited for me outside Dream from 10.30PM just to surprise me

Chivas 18 from Raymond. I see what you did there!

I really remembered what I did when I was in Dream but Shayna insists that I was drunk so ok, I was drunk :(

Thank you Shayna and Yi Wei for taking such great care of me when I was swaying all over the place, toppling coke and shit LOL. Sorry about the mess! You know I love y'all *wide smile*

Despite the strong objections from the 2 towers taking care of me that night, I still made my way to Zouk to find the other girls BECAUSE I AM AN AWESOME FRIEND WHO IS A WOMAN OF MY WORDS.

Rachel was so sweet to make her way to Dream to fetch me there ^^

So yep. According to my girls, everyone was staring at me the moment I was outside Zouk because I couldn't fucking walk straight. Honestly speaking, I am still really proud of myself because I made it there ok!

A picture with my darling before she left. Thank you for waiting! :)

Group photo with my playground friends!

So apparently, before I entered Zouk, the bouncer asked Mei Xiang whether I was ok. 


I replied her "I AM STRONG" and I freaking flexed my flabby biceps for her to see LOLOLOL WTFBBQFACEPALMGOHOMESUA.

Oh well, for the rest of the night... Sigh, let's just stop here haha!

All in all, it was such an enjoyable night! 
The fact that I was drunk and I still remembered everything makes me happy! I woke up with several bruises on my knees the next morning but hey, everything's worth it! I really would like to thank all the people who were present that night for making that effort to come despite having school/work the next day. I am sincerely sorry for being drunk, but I hope you all had fun! ;)

Part 2 on my 18th birthday will be up soon.. Stay tuned!