Wednesday, September 4, 2013


*warning! excessive amount of (awkward) selfies*

In the past, I really dislike the idea of joining a camp. Mainly because I am obsessed with my bed and am very reluctant to spend my night anywhere else. After Yi Wei and Billy convinced me that camps are fun and after I realised how much I needed CCA points, I join COC (clash of civilization) camp as a Student Leader.

So to prep us SL for the camp, we had a 3D2N SL camp for us to bond, as well as to try out the games and activities. 

Like all camps (I suppose), all of us were really awkward and shy. Since it was my first camp in NP, I felt like a noob and didn't really talk much. I still remember telling myself that I'm pretty screwed because I see cliques everywhere. Well, the following days came and went. To my pleasant surprise, I bonded really well with the SLs, especially the ladies!

To cut the long story short, the actual COC eventually came. We met our cute Turkish Warriors and lead them through all the fun games and activities. We ate together, cheered together and got dirty together (eh! think clean!).

(here's me buried under all the love because I cried pfft)

To my Turkish Warriors:
Thank you for being such an amazing and fun group of campers! You guys are my first, and I really hope that I did a fair job in leading and entertaining you guys. I prefer small group talks, that's why I hopped around groups. You guys made all the sleep lost worth it and totally change my view of camps. Continue being so cute and fun and I look forward to meeting you guys again! :)

To my fellow SLs:
Thanks for the guidance and enthusiasm for those few days. It was really encouraging to see everyone pushing themselves and keeping their spirits up despite only having a few hours of sleep every night. I will never forget those mornings we sat together to spread bread for our campers, those nights we stayed up just to perfect our performance, and those brain cells we burnt just to come up with new cheers. We been through quite a lot during this short span of time. I hope we will stay this close and hang out more often! Once again, thank you for this amazing experience! I love you all!