Saturday, October 27, 2012

DE Day

First of all, I would like to apologize for the lack of updates :( 

School projects are coming one after another and I gotta pack my room and wardrobe which contains never-ending piles of clothes WTF. Come to think about, this might be my very last blog post done my current house.. :'(

For those who don't know (especially those in NP, disappointing!!), DE stands for Design and Environment. Don't ask me, I have no idea why my course landed in this school. We are a tiny school which only started this year! 

So we were asked to set up game booths and stuff on this day. My class decided to set up a booth to take in song dedications which failed miserably. Boo! It's okay guys, we tried our best *pats on shoulders*

Not forgetting about the various games which were available that day! 

I can't believe that I spent $4 on a game just for some bubble thingy which I would throwing away soon. Pfft. Can't blame me, it was simply love at first sight LOLOLOL. I literally screamed "BUBBLEEEEEE!!!!" and ran to the booth. In the end, the guy just closed 1 eye and gave it to me even though I didn't hit the required score. Aww.

Proud me with my bubble ^^


 Yunrou's cute classmates!

I wish the school has more such events! Got to interact with some of the other schoolmates. Yes. This is what I need. A bigger social circle in NP. HEEHEE.