Monday, September 3, 2012

The Day It Rained On Our Parade

I slumbered on to my sofa in the living after a long day of schoolwork. Reaching for the remote control, I switched on the TV and the screen flickered on. It turns out be a 'new' drama showing the olden Singapore days.

This was the drama I was watching.

I later found out that I was actually watching the final episode of this drama.

I am always emotionally attached to anything that is related to the olden Singapore days. This is probably the reason why I took History and starting Project Playground :/ Thus, I was instantly attracted to this App.


On 9 August 1968, it was Singapore's 3rd National Day. It was also this very year that the British withdrew their troops, threatening thousands of Singaporeans with unemployment and instability. During the parade, there was a heavy downpour. Despite that, nobody ran for the shelter - spectators, performers, politicians alike. The performance went on as planned. It was the day Singaporeans stood together as one and braved the storm.

Since it was such a memorable day, so the campaign, 'The Day It Rained On Our Parade' was launched.
This is an interactive Facebook App that allows you to view the full parade, using the scrollable panorama feature. 

Pretty cool right?!

On top of that, photographs which were taken that day can be seen as you go around the parade!


The App illustrations are done by Imaginary Friends, they had worked on projects such as DOTA and World of Warcraft! *nods head in approval*

There are also clickable markers at certain spots of the parade. From there, you can read individual stories of people who were present on the day itself.

My favourite story!

My thoughts:

Through this interactive app, I got see how the parade looks like on the day itself. Some of the stories really inspired me.

I was born in the 90s. Then, Singapore was already pretty modern. We had good transport system, excellent security and the island is brightly lit at every inch when the night falls. Through the years, many things changed - be it tangible or intangible. To me, the current society is a very competitive one. As a result, everyone is putting their selves before others.

I really admire the spirits of Singaporeans during the parade. It was a simple act, but it portrayed Singaporean's unity. The performers and soldiers also showed great determination to finish off the parade despite the weather.

I take my hats off those people back then. The parade wasn't anything fanciful compared to the current National Day Parades we have, but the people stayed just to show their support for their country.

I urge you all to take a look at the app. Let's all revive the then admirable spirit of Singapore!

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