Sunday, July 7, 2013


So I have doing advertorials more than really updating about my life. So sorry about that :( Anyway, since I missed out so much, I am going to blog part by part! 

USS (again)

Met up with Celine, Mo and Elynn to get our 6 months unlimited pass at USS on 30 June! It was the last day so there was quite a long queue for the registration.

We then spent our day there, despite the long queues (an hour wait for the Jurassic Park water ride pfft). At least time passed really fast as we were talking throughout the entire time!

We almost wanted to go outside for Astons because the food in USS are crazily over-priced. But I guess we were too tired and hungry and we settle down in a restaurant in Egypt which sold Indian food. I tell you, the food there was damn good la.

Ok. Maybe because I was very hungry, but it really tasted very nice! What's more, we had 10% off because of the pass. *twirls around with the pass*

Tourist-y shot in front of the cart Jennifer was working at! A pity that we didn't take a picture with her! We were too busy dancing (check my Instagram).

So yep. Expect a few more USS blog posts to come :P 


For the past few weeks, we were given 12359730591 projects to complete and they were all time-consuming projects.

For example, for my Structure & Fabric project, we were required to create a hotel based on an actual piece of land and also build a model of the proposed hotel.


But hey, at least it's over and I think my group did a great job! *pats on shoulder*

Next up, we still have 2 more projects to go. As if it is not stressful enough, the lecturers kept emphasizing on the high weightage of each project. Sigh. Gotta push myself.

Andy's 21st

So I finally met Qianyan yesterday! We had lunch at 18chefs Cinelaisure. The food was alright, but I really didn't expect it to be that crowded! Just when we thought we were indirectly being chased out because 1 of the staff cleared our plates when we were not done, we were given free ice cream!

I totally forgive that staff. LOL.

So we took the train down to Tenah Merah and waited for a shuttle bus to take us to NSRCC.


It was near to the airport so planes flew pass after every few minutes and some went quite low! Haha. I'm so easily amused.

We finally me the shy birthday boy!
Andy finally showing his ink

Happy birthday Andy!

Like what you said yesterday, time passed really fast. Still remember when I gave you a red soccer ball birthday card for your 18th birthday and we celebrated at kbox. I was really touched when you said that you still kept the card and read it from time to time. Despite the change, I really hope that we can still remain as good friends and bros. Thank you for always helping me and giving me advises and making me feel like you really care. You are finally a grown up and I hope you stay happy and healthy forever!! X